Comments Policy

At Thirst For Money, we’ve implemented a commenting system to encourage readers to ask questions, share insights on the topics we cover, and foster a more inclusive and democratic space for open discussion.

To participate in the Thirst For Money community, we ask all users to follow our code of conduct to ensure a respectful and positive environment for everyone.

Prohibited Actions for Commenters:

  • Posting spam or advertising content;
  • Impersonating another person, company, or institution;
  • Publishing pornographic, racist, discriminatory, or offensive material against individuals, companies, or institutions;
  • Posting material promoting pedophilia or exploitation of minors;
  • Sharing information on illegal activities or inciting criminal behavior;
  • Posting multiple consecutive comments to appear on the top commenter list;
  • Including links to affiliate programs in comments;
  • Posting off-topic comments unrelated to the article or content displayed;
  • Publishing empty comments without substance, solely to divert the discussion;
  • Using the comment system to conduct business transactions;
  • Engaging in any activity prohibited by law;
  • Posting religious preaching or proselytizing content;
  • Reproducing full articles from other news sources.

Allowed Actions for Commenters:

  • Asking questions relevant to the content covered;
  • Sharing your opinion, as long as it adheres to the guidelines above;
  • Positively contributing to the growth and quality of the site.

By following these guidelines, you help create a respectful and constructive community. We appreciate your cooperation in making Thirst For Money a welcoming place for all.